


真討厭宿醉的感覺,我覺得我真的已經all over these kind of parties。

剛收到K的一個text,她說後悔玩得太瘋,不過又說現場那幾個老外她都有點關係,她是叫我stay out of it?講真,我才不希罕老外,本小姐對湊鬼無興趣,特別是在party上喝啤酒的。






後話,昨晚我在回家後text了他一句「Good to see you tonight」,一直到很晚才收到他的回覆,又是很公式的禮貌,口是心非的說昨晚很好玩,我們應多出來,早知道he doesn't mean what he says,最後也不想回他。





Photo Shoot Day

Another still shooting, it's the 4th visual here in Shanghai - but it's the first one that I follow it through the process, and be able to stay in the shoot process and it feels good!

Had a really good time with the Creative and Production team. Sometimes you just need to put down the ego and respect that it's a teamwork.





這本書應該okay,叫「穿Kenzo的女人」,70年代在「號外」連載,promote中環價值,中產生活,有三個閏中蜜友,閒來愛談男人論名牌,是我最愛的「Sex and the City」和「蘭開夏道」的ancesdant。



作者鄧小宇是男生寫女心,70年代已把香港的第一代女強人寫得極時代感,寫女性心事更是絲絲入扣,上網一查,他果然是個gay的。By the way,我買的原來是簽名本,真有緣。

這本會留著慢慢看,bet it will be a good bed time reading。

明報: 懷念錢瑪莉,尋找鄧小宇《穿Kenzo的女人》的誕生

七十年代的Sex and the City


Up In The Air

This is a movie that touches my heart. It's about someone who disconnects with people around him. Why it feels so familiar? Maybe it's becoz I'm walking the way like this - a gradual disconnection with family and friends, my life just feel more and more alienated, and I am adapting this kind of lifestyle.

Moment of truth: when Alex ask Ryan - "Do you know what do you want?" And he couldn't answer. I feel so... complicated. I am just like him, looks as if we're all in control but questions are still there. Maybe we are just too coward to face our problems.

Worth watching again and think about it.


CNY Holiday Plan @ HK

Everytime I fully utilize my holiday, and this time it will be no difference!

13 Feb (Sat)
- Woke up at 6am to catch the 8am flight, almost late due to the jammed security check
- iPhone bought right after I landed in HK, even before I cash my RMB to HKD :P
- Tea with Chloe @ Zoe cafe, so good to see my luvly old friend
- Grocery shopping
- Family dinner @ home, mah jong till midnight

14 Feb (Sun) 年初一
- Family day, mah jong with family till night
- Mum broke her leg, how unfortunate :(
- Watched 2 movies at home - "All About Steve" which is a total waste of my time
- "Up in the Air" - it's been added to my favourite movie list immediately

15 Feb (Mon)
- Met Cecilia in TST but finally decided heading to his uncle's firework party.
- Drinks with Bill and Yam @ Prive after the firework party

16 Feb (Tue)
- Had a coffee with Linda, Katrina and Frances with great chat!
- Headed to TST to dinner with Billy @ K11. Fried pork was good.
- Ma Jong with family

17 Feb (Wed)
- Tea with Bee and had a great great chat. Then we go book shopping in TST
- Housewarming party @ Mike's home

18 Feb (Thu)
- Lunch with KS, Brenda, Katy and Michael
- Shopping @ CWB and bought 2 pairs of shoes :)
- Visited H2O office and dou lei si
- Visited Agnes' great house
- Dinner @ 蓮香居

19 Feb (Fri)
- Lunch with John Dennis Ernest Fion and Queenie
- Tea and hanging around in Central with Francis and Ceci
- Dinner with Terry @ Sheung Wan. Felt not well so went home early

20 Feb (Sat)
- Rest at home for the flu
- Dinner with Esther Connie Rachel Franky Kadoi followed by dessert @ 798. Tao joined us unexpectedly.

21 Feb (Sun)
- Meeting up with Sally F and Sally N
- Drinks at 1881
- Dinner at New York Club @ Tai Hang
- Chat overnight @ Sally's home

22 Feb (Mon)
- Packed up and fly back to Shanghai from SZ

Such a great great holiday!!



站在淮海路上,繁華,忙碌,好看,一種熟悉的感覺油然而生,忽然有點害怕... is that I have had enough of this city?